Mission Statement
The mission of the City of Concord's Electric Systems Department is to deliver consistent and reliable electric service in a timely and cost efficient manner.
attention New Solar Installations
A pre-project approval meeting, with the City of Concord, MUST be completed before any paperwork can be submitted. Click here to learn more.
Concord Electric Systems newS
city of concord electric systems receives the appa certificate for excellence in reliability
The City of Concord Electric System is in the top quartile (25%) of utilities for System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI) including or excluding IEEE MEDs based on the EIA data in 2017 – 2021

How to read your power bill
Below is a sample electric bill. Each line item has a short explanation detailing what the charge is.

Concord Electric system's facts
- 1 of 76 Municipally-Owned Electric Utilities in the State
- Maintain over 34,000 electric accounts with a staff of 84
- 1,763 miles of electric lines. 732 miles overhead powerlines and 1,040 miles of underground power lines
- Concord Electric Systems distributes over 850,000 megawatt-hours annually with a summer peak of 214 megawatts.
Other Useful Links:
NC Public Power ElectriCities American Public Power Assoc