Register for Cabarrus County’s #CabCoALERT mass notification service.
This service allows authorized County leaders to create and rapidly disseminate time–sensitive messages to every telephone number stored in the notification database via phone call, email, text message and or phone app.
In an emergency, Concord or Cabarrus County officials are able to contact your home landline without registration. However, residents are encouraged to register their cell phone, which increases the likelihood that you receive timely notification of emergencies and the post-event all clear.
Register for CabCoALERT emergency alerts:
Click the CabCoALERT logo below or go to to register for emergency alerts. These notifications will be specific to your location and deployed by government officials.

City of Concord non-emergency notifications:
City of Concord residents are accustomed to receiving notifications about upcoming construction projects that may impact travel routes, utility service updates, holiday garbage and other service scheudle changes etc. Our new Everbridge system has more capabilities to connect with you when it counts, but we need you to register to ensure we have your correct contact information. Register for City of Concord non-emergency notifications here: If you would like to register for non-emergency alerts in another Cabarrus municipality or countywide emergency alerts, please go to
Web Portal And Mobile Apps
CabCoALERT is an emergency and non-emergency alert notification system. Anyone who lives, works or travels through Cabarrus Country is encouraged to register for the system. Registration takes approximately five (5) minutes and allows you to enter up to (5) locations within the county.
By signing up to participate in the system you are registering for emergency alerts. During the registration process you can pick and choose which additional, non-emergency, alerts you would like to register for. Non-emergency alerts range from construction alerts, to information regarding solid waste collection, and special events within specific jurisdictions.
How to Register
1) Visit and complete the registration process online. An email address is required to register using this method.
2) Download the Everbridge Contact app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store and register your device. This method only subscribes you to emergency alerts. An email address is required to register using this method.
3) For notifications within your zip-code. Text your zip-code to 888-777.
What Is The #CabCoAlert Service?
The #CabCoAlert service allows authorized civic leaders to create and rapidly disseminate time-sensitive messages to every telephone number and email address stored in the notification database. These messages are delivered as voice phone calls, SMS text messages, and or emails. With this service, authorized users can send thousands of messages in minutes. Only authorized officials are allowed access to the system.
How Does The Service Work?
Authorized officials record a voice message that is then delivered quickly to individual phones in the notification database.
What Types Of Messages Will Be Sent Using The Service?
Any message regarding the safety or welfare of our community would be disseminated using the CABCOALERT service. Examples would include many situations that could impact the safety, property, or welfare of our citizens.
Does The #CabCoAlert Service Replace Other Systems That Have Been Used To Provide Time-Sensitive Information To Residents?
This system is a significant enhancement to existing means of communication and is supplemental to, not a replacement for, the systems we have used in the past. TV, radio, our county social media and web site will continue to broadcast important announcements.
May I Use A Cell Phone As My Notification Database Listing?
Yes, we can accept cell phones as primary and secondary phone numbers in the database and encourage you to request that your mobile number be included.